Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

Despite the dog days of August, the hibiscus started a second round of blooms
 The Celebrity tomatoes are growing rapidly.  In two weeks they have grown about a foot.  The drip is great!
 My bell pepper plants are almost as tall as I am.  Last week I heard a presentation by Mr. Fannick from Frannick's Nursery.  He recommended to spread two tablespoons of Epsom salt around each plant and water in well.  The Epsom salts add magnesium which pepper plants love.  I tried that today.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

IRIS in August

I didn't know iris bloomed in August.  I picked the bloom and brought it inside to enjoy.  With this 100 degree heat, it wouldn't last a day outside.  This way I can enjoy the yellow bloom for a few days!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Plant Tomatoes In August

This week I planted six Celebrity tomato plants in one raised bed.  Before planting, I spread about a cup of vegetable fertilizer, dug it in and then watered very well.  I have drip set for Mon. Wed, and Sat. for 45 minutes.  Given our 100 degree weather this week, I've used water from my rain barrel for the days when the drip is not scheduled.  The plants have already doubled in size.  Also, I watered in the tomatoes with a water soluble fertilizer the first day.  I don't plan to fertilize again until I have thumbnail size fruit on the plants.  Don't want to encourage foliage yet.  On the second day after planting I noticed several chewed off leaves....a tomato horn worm had already attacked!  I picked off the worm and threw it into the yard for the birds to eat.

The eggplant and bell peppers are still holding on.  When we got back from our month long trip to the NW, there were about a dozen eggplants ready to pick.  They were a little dried out but still good.  I have the drip going just to keep them alive during the heat of the summer.  When it gets cooler in the fall, I expect them to explode with fruit.

My Beautiful Yard After a Week of 100 Degree Weather

Even after a week plus of hundred degree weather and one month on the road in July, our yard looks beautiful.  SAWs even sent me an email that we were under the neighborhood average for water use in July.  That's because of our efficient drip irrigation in the back yard and our once a week deep watering in the front yard.  The backyard drip is set for 45 minutes, Mon., Wed, and Sat.  I'm increasing it to one hour this week just because we are predicted to have another week of 100 degree plus.  The front yard is set to run on Friday's in three, fifteen minutes intervals at 7:00 am, 8:15 am and 7:00 pm.  I have drip set up for 10-15 minutes for our potted plants every other day.