Wednesday, November 20, 2013

View from the Kitchen Window

Although the sun light is fading, the veggie garden is still thriving.  I'm picking all my cool weather veggies and enjoying something fresh for dinner every day.  Last week we had another section of drip added along the southwestern side of the yard, along the side of the house and along the back of the house where there is deep, deep shade (my fern garden).  I will appreciate this next year.  I'm trying to follow SAWS recommendations to only water every three weeks or so if there is no rain.  The veggies are getting irrigated twice a week.  Rain is predicted over the weekend......

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

View From My Kitchen Window--Early November

The vegetable garden is thriving with the cooler/moist weather.  I've made my third cutting of Swiss chard with more greens to come.