Saturday, January 26, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

Flowers in Winter

Our winter flowers are blooming nicely.  I fertilized again today with miracle grow.  We did touch 32 degrees  this week but nothing froze hard.

Rain Barrels

Now we just need rain to fill them up!  No painting, modifying or installation required.  Joe does plan to connect with PVC pipe.
New rain barrels from  "Dave the Barrel Man"

BSW Volunteer of the Year Award

Last night I was awarded a plaque for volunteer of the year for my work on oak wilt.  It was nice to be recognized at the BSW Annual Homeowners Meeting on January 16, 2013

Trenching the Green Belt

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tree Trimming

The front trees were trimmed this week by Artistic Trees.  Four trees were removed near the sidewalk and drive way.  What a difference!   The canopy has opened up so more sun will reach the grass and our veggie beds.  All the tree trimmings were shredded for mulch or firewood.  Not a bit of organic material went to the dump.  We used the mulch to cover another section of grass.  Now we only have two sections of grass to mow or water.  Over time I'll plant more shrubs in this section such as fox tail ferns and abelia or nadina.  Joe has another "rock" project and will lay out a path of bricks or paving stones.




Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Save $$$$$

I'm going to save money this year by making root cuttings and then planting these cuttings in the spring.  I'm rooting angel wing begonias, sweet potato vine and wandering jew.

Flowers week of January 6

Cool weather flowers are holding their own even with night temperatures in the mid 30's.  This week I planted pansies.  The geraniums,  petunias and cyclamen look healthy and are blooming.  The cyclamen are at their peak.  If I can keep the petunias and geraniums covered when/if we have freezes, they should be at their peak in March especially with their head start here in January.  Remember to fertilize weekly with Miracle Grow.             

Passion Vine/Butterflies

Last week I noticed yellow butterflies floating across the back yard.  Today in the garden there are caterpillars on the passion vine!  Soon another generation of fritillary butterflies will join my garden.  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week of January 6, 2012

My winter garden is thriving.  The Chinese lettuce and spinach are ready to pick.  This is my first year to try brussel sprouts.  They look healthy but not fruit has set yet.  We planted 10-15 onions today from Dixondale Farms, Carriso Springs, Texas.  Texas A&M Agrilife recommends phosphorus at the roots and then heavy fertilization every two weeks.  We had 1/2 inch rain this week and expect a good rain next week.  Maybe I will not need to water again for a few weeks.      Each day I am trimming back shrubs:    lantana, firebush, rock rose, yellow bells, turk cap, mexican petunias.  Joe picked up leaves by bagging with the lawn mower.  We added these leaves to the compost bin.  We composted the veggie beds today as well.

Susan and Q-tip in a Blue Bonnet Field, Spring 2012

Beautiful live oak trees in our front yard, September 2012.