Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week of January 6, 2012

My winter garden is thriving.  The Chinese lettuce and spinach are ready to pick.  This is my first year to try brussel sprouts.  They look healthy but not fruit has set yet.  We planted 10-15 onions today from Dixondale Farms, Carriso Springs, Texas.  Texas A&M Agrilife recommends phosphorus at the roots and then heavy fertilization every two weeks.  We had 1/2 inch rain this week and expect a good rain next week.  Maybe I will not need to water again for a few weeks.      Each day I am trimming back shrubs:    lantana, firebush, rock rose, yellow bells, turk cap, mexican petunias.  Joe picked up leaves by bagging with the lawn mower.  We added these leaves to the compost bin.  We composted the veggie beds today as well.

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