Friday, February 8, 2013


Tomatoes!  Today I potted up 6 Texas Superstar Cherry Tomatoes and 12 Celebrity tomatoes using fertilize enriched potting soil and a slow release granular fertilizer. My goal is to plant by the end of February if the weather stays warm ----or March 15 if it looks like we will have a freeze.

Today I fertilized annuals and columbine.  Earlier in the week I lightly trimmed my knock out roses and fertilized with slow release lawn fertilize.  This year I want to fertilize the roses every month trading off between a granular and a liquid fertilizer.

Everything has been trimmed and cut back both in the back and front yard.  With our mild weather (and a few record breaking 80+ degree days in January) many shrubs are already sprouting:  fire bush, lantana, Turk's cap, saliva's, blue mist, etc.  Others have not even been damaged by a freeze:  yellow bells,  plumbago, buttercups, Mexican petunias.

No rain this week.  It's been five dry, long weeks since our last significant rain.

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