Saturday, March 30, 2013

Last minute March chores

Fertilized the knock out roses with granular fertilizer.
Sprayed the hibiscus and lantana for aphids and lace bugs with systemic.
Trouble with the valve on the drip system......The emitters at the lowest end of the system are dripping.  it seems that the valve is not completely closing off.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Geraniums at their peak

 Geraniums are at their peak this week.  We've had a few cool nights in the upper 30s which helped.  I water as needed and fertilizer every week or two.
Knock Out roses are showing their stuff.  I'm continuing  to fertilize monthly alternating with a water soluble and a granular lawn type.

The columbine, iris, and petunias are at peak.  Inpatients are beginning to expand.  I've notice aphids on the hibiscus so will need to spray

Joe spread compost/top dressing on the grass this week.  Drip is doing so well but it still needs maintenance for leaks.  Hope I'm not over watering

Tomatoes are blooming.  I was surprised to see the summer squash already setting fruit.  This year I'm going to dust weekly with sevin to prevent those squash borers from killing the plants.  The lower leaves of the beans took a beating from the wind (brown spots) but seem to be recovering nicely.  Dill and cilantro are taking over but the basil is sure taking its timer to germinate.

I've starting transplanting or buying plants for the SHLC women's ministry.  Kock our rose, plumbago, rock rose, fire bush, lantana, yellow bell and Mexican petunia.

Visited the Botantical Garden this week so I could compare our gardens.  The BG still has it's winter annuals on display.  REMEMBER SWISS CHARD!  It's a beautiful annual in the landscaping.  The children's garden looks like my veggie garden.  Yeah!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Busy Gardening Week

I think mid March is about the busiest week for gardening in south central Texas.  It's urgent to get those plants in the ground so that the roots can develop before hot weather.  Here is what we did this week:

--Joe repaired the mantas and aerated the front yard
--Joe swept up more leaves with the lawn mower and used them as mulch in the backyard
--Pulled out the last Chinese lettuce.  We like them sauteed in olive oil with garlic/soy sauce.  Continuing to harvest spinach for salads.  Planted wax beans.
--Pole beans, summer squash, cucumber from seed are maturing nicely.  Joe made cages for the tomatoes out of re-bar   The old cages are now around the pole beans for support.  Tomatoes are growing rapidly.  The cherry tomatoes have yellow blossoms.  Brussel sprouts are getting close to harvest.  We have white shade cloth around the tomatoes to protect from the wind.  Eggplant and peppers are looking good.  Herbs are at their peak.
--Took advantage of the $100 gift card from SAWs to purchase Pride of Barbados, verbena, pentas, yellow flowers,  planted over the weekend.  Also purchased on special coleus, potato vine.  Purchased Texas Superstars for SHLC women's group presentation.  On my knees for hours today planting.
--The knock out roses are approaching peak as are the Texas Gold Columbine.  The inpatients planted last week look wonderful.
--No rain again this week.  Nearly 90 degrees today, dropping down to 60 tomorrow with lows the next few days at 40.  What a change.
--Unfortunately had to use the irrigation system this week.  We are in Stage 2 restrictions and perilously close to Stage 3.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


At last, we have iris blooming.  It only took cutting down trees and aggressive trimming ot the oak tree canopy to allow sunlight.  The columbine are just starting to bloom in all their beauty.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Peak Early Spring Color

Geraniums are at their peak this week.   Red is beautiful.  They like the cool nights and warm days.  I've planted impatients in the shade so hopefully I'll get a few weeks of blooms.  Begonias are doing well in the shade.  I made cuttings from the angel wings and transplanted this week.   
 Hibiscus in pots with full sun.  I'm fertilizing every two weeks to keep the blooms going.   As I find specials (especially Rainbow Gardens), I'm planting natives and hardy flowering shrubs.  This week I planted black foot daises, lantanas and yellow bells. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blue Bonnets and early Spring Chores

Blue bonnets are in full bloom.  Today I planted more flowers and shrubs including inpatients, blue bonnets and purple peace lilies.  To save money, I subdivided cast iron plants and transferred them to a shady spot under the Monterrey oak in the new drip irrigation bed.

It rained last night for the first time in two months.  The rain barrels are full.  We received .83 inches throughout the day.  I shut off the irrigation system for the week.

By the way, SAWS gave me a $100 gift certificate for removing grass and planting drought tolerant shrubs.  Another trip to Rainbow gardens is in the works!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Oak Leaf Drop

It's that time of year when the oak trees drop their leaves.  It's a mess for the next few weeks.  I always know that mid March will mean raking the yard.  Now that we are down to just two patches of grass, it's not so monumental.  The worst part is the leaves are everywhere and tracking the mess into the house.  The deck and front entrance are just covered with leaves. Our poor vehicles are covered too.   But....oak leaves make great mulch and are a great addition to the compost bin.

It's been over two months since we have had a significant rain.  With any luck we should have measurable precipitation this weekend.  The drought continues.

Spring Vegetable Planting

Today I planted my Spring Vegetable Garden:

Tomatoes:    3 Tygress (rodeo tomato), 2 Cherry, 2 Cherry volunteers, 1 Celebrity.  I set up cages and wrapped the plantings in white shade clothe to protect from the wind.

Fertilized all vegetables with miracle grow tomato food and as well as a granular, time-released vegetable fertilizer.  Will not fertilize again until fruit sets.  Sprinkled bug bait around the new plantings.  Drip irrigation is set for one hour on Mon, Wed and Sat.

Peppers:  4 sweet bell peppers, 4 mild TAM Jalapeno.
Seeds:  Sweet Success Cucumber, Yellow Squash, Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans
Eggplant:  4 Ichiban (Asian variety)
Herb seeds:  Basil and Mint (spearmint)
Flowers:  Morning Glory Vine Seeds.  Will transplant pastel colored impatients in shaded pots/fern bed.