Monday, April 15, 2013

Favorite View from Kitchen Window 2

My vegetable garden is looking good.  The cherry tomatoes and the celebrity tomato are setting fruit as is the zucchini squash, the summer squash and the cucumbers.  The pole and wax beans have sprouted and are growing rapidly.  It's taking the lima beans longer than 10 days to sprout so I planted more seeds yesterday.  The bell pepper and eggplant are growing tall and straight but are behind the tomatoes in height.  In time I know they will be producing.  I've set the drip for 3 times a week at 30 minutes a session.  I've also set up the drip system for the potted plants on the deck.  The insects are still chomping on two of my pepper plants so I got more aggressive by using sevin and a bug bait.  Aphids are after my hibiscus so I sprayed them with systemic???  The cactus are blooming a bright magenta.  This week I'm fertilizing the vegetables before we leave on our trip through the south.  I'm sure I will come home to a jungle.

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