Friday, February 28, 2014

Finding the Right Arborist

Finding the Right Arborist to Trim Your Live Oaks
Susan Noonan, Bexar County Master Gardener

Do not trim your live oak trees now.   Wait until July when the weather is hot and the beetle that carries the oak wilt virus is inactive.  The best months to trim live oak trees are during the heat of summer and deep winter.  Always paint cuts on branches larger than 1” with a latex paint.

Before you hire an arborist to trim your trees, do your homework.  Mark A. Peterson, a conservation project coordinator with the San Antonio Water System  wrote the following article, “Finding the Right Arborist” for the weekly SAWs newsletter published on January 20, 2014:

During my long tenure at the Texas Forest Service, people frequently asked for arborist
recommendations.  But as a public servant, I was-and still am-often reluctant to
provide references unless the individuals or companies have gone through an objective
training or screening process.  Still, I’m always happy to provide direction, especially
when it comes to selecting a professional arborist to care for your trees.  For starters,
you’ll want to ask a potential contractor if he practices tree topping.  If the answer is
yes, move on to another contractor.  If the answer is no, proceed by asking for:

1.  Proof of membership  with one of the professional arborist associations including
the American Society of Consulting Arborists, International Society of Arborists, or the
Tree Care Industry Association.

2.  Credentials from the International Society of Arboriculture, which demonstrates
professionalism and a desire to improve his or her knowledge of tree care.

3.  Certificate of insurance, including proof of liability for personal and property
damage, and worker’s compensation.  Phone the insurance company or agent to
ensure the policy is current.

4.  A written contract that fully explains the work to be done, on what day, and the price
per service performed.

Winter is the best time to prune your trees.  Make sure you have the best arborist for the

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