Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring flowers--but no Spring Rains

Where I have drip lines, I have beautiful spring flowers!  This week I installed drip lines to all the flower pots in anticipation of our next long no rain.  I have geraniums, impatiens, wave petunias and begonias in bloom.  The Texas Gold Columbine are beautiful and spreading everywhere.  A beautiful gold iris is in bloom.  To extend my enjoyment, I took a cutting into the house.  The oak leaves are being dumped heavily and we can't keep the sidewalk clean.  Periodically, Joe is collecting and using as mulch around the yard.  The weeds are picking up but the grass is still dormant.  I'm amazed at how much survived the freezes.  With this drought, I don't plan to replace many shrubs until we get consistent rain.

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