Saturday, March 8, 2014

Vegetable Planting Schedule Off This Year

I'm taking a slow approach to planting my spring vegetable garden this year.  It's been cold and dry such that I'm going to wait until after March 15, even then I'll watch the 10 day forecast closely.  It's drizzling but no real rain today.  Hope tomorrow is better.

I have Tycoon and Valley Cat tomatoes potted up just for the day when it's warm enough.  I'm only planting one cherry tomato this year.  As always, I'll wrap in cloth to protect the young plants from wind, cold and insects.  I've also got banana peppers, egg plant and cucumbers just waiting in small pots.  Later I'll plant bush beans and a type of pinto bean.

Rainbow and Lowe's are having specials on flowers.  This week I bought a flat of impatiens for $.67 each.  Earlier in the week I bought red begonias for $1.00 a six pack.  On special I've purchased two Boston ferns,  two bulbine, two hanging baskets of impatiens, white petunias, white geraniums and red geraniums.  The bougainvillea are sprouting and I set out in a sunny spot.  Yesterday I started placing drip tubing around the deck in planters.  Joe drilled holes in the two copper pots and I filled with impatients or begonias.

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