Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Seeds are Sprouting

The vegetable seeds are sprouting already!  The radishes were up in two days, the carrots in five days and the beans are starting up in six days.  With the nice warm sun it doesn't take much time.  We had a beautiful one inch rain on Friday (four days ago) which really helped.  The night time temperatures are now in the 60s. There is a hot spell predicted for the next couple days with two-three nights back in the 70s and day time highs near the mid 90s.  Then back to more seasonable 80s in the day and 60s at night.....perfect for veggies.
Still no fruit setting on the tomatoes and the bell peppers have not even blossomed.  I'm getting impatient and lecturing to these guys everyday to get with the program.  The cool weather crops suffer during these 90 degree days but I'm hoping they make it with a little more TLC and supplemental water.

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