Saturday, September 28, 2013

Late September Vegetable Update

The tomatoes are setting fruit.  It must be the pep talk I've been giving them.  No really, it's the cooler nights.  I fertilized today with a extended release granular fertilizer just before a good soaking rain.  The tomatoes should love this.  I noticed the jalapeno peppers and the bell peppers are getting buds.  The seeds I planted last week are all up:  radish, carrots, wax beans and bush beans.  I thinned the radishes to 1" apart.  I saved the sprouts I trimmed out for salad greens.  Yummy.  They taste like radish but with less of a bite.

We had hot days with temps up to the mid nineties and night time lows in the mid-seventies.  Yuk.  I tried to keep the cool weather plants well hydrated.  They look healthy despite the heavy wilting in late afternoon with the intense sunlight.  I purchased beet and greens/lettuce seed mixture to plant after this last rain.

Other activities this week included watering of my freshly transplanted Mexican petunias, Pride of Barbados, asparagus fern and vinca vine.  I also cut out the brown, dead leaves out of the cast iron plants.  They get sun burnt when they get too much direct sunlight.  I'm also trying to keep ahead of vines and my rapidly growing perennials by trimming regularly.  The ideal growing conditions are also causing the oak roots to sprout so that will be a ongoing project to keep them trimmed back.

HEB has had fantastic sales on Miracle Grow fertilizers.  I went crazy and stocked up.  I think they are trying to move out gardening products to make room for Christmas trees...  Can you believe it???  I also used this opportunity to fertilize potted plants and flowers with the liquid fertilizer.  They love me for this.

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