Thursday, October 17, 2013

October Rains Bring April Natives

It's rained almost two inches in the the last week.  With night time temperatures now in the 50's and daytime in the 70s, it's perfect!  This is when I love living in South Texas.  I'm transplanting something every day now. ..Mexican petunias, firecracker plants, ginger plant, Turk's Cap, Pride of Barbados, cactus, etc.  Lowe's had many great plants 50% including split leaf philodendron, hummingbird bush, tropical plants.  Some lady friends from church are coming over in the morning to help themselves to all the transplants they want.

Veggie Update:  The cold weather veggies are thriving with the cooler nights.  I've been picking lettuce, chard, radishes for salads.  I pulled out two tomato plants suffering from a virus and planted more beets and radishes.  The other four celebrity plants are fruiting even though they have the disease.  As long as they are producing, I'm keeping them.  Very soon the peppers and eggplants should be loaded with fruit.  I'm trying to fertilize every couple of weeks.

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