Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunny Faces

Sunny faces from Mexico.  Yve and Raphie Ramos gave us these faces in exchange for three  room nights.  They really brighten up the exterior of Joe's rock shop.

This morning it was 47 degree.  Yeah!  The nights are so much cooler and the days are shorter.  I can see a real change in our hot weather plants as they begin to fade due to less sun light.  On the other hand, our cool season plantings are thriving especially the coleus.

Veggie update:  Calvin Finch recommends using regular lawn fertilizer on your cool weather veggies every three weeks so I went out and fertilized everything today.  I volunteered at the Herb festival for the BCMG and was the booth's best customer bringing home monster spinach, Swiss chard, thyme, artichokes and greens.  I've been thinning out the radish, beets, carrots, and lettuce greens and adding them to salads.  I make up a big bowl of salad greens which lasts us for a few days.  To help with the process I purchased a salad spinner.  It works so well spinning out the moisture.  I noticed a cabbage looper with the radish greens (and very eaten up leaves) so I have got to start spraying with BT.

Sad news about the green pepper plants.  I was told by another avid gardener that the plants are high because they are not getting enough sun.  She thought the leaves also looked diseased and thought the buds may never come to fruit.  I'm very disappointed and will be glad to tear them out at the end of the season.  I'm still going to give them until the freeze to produce but I'm not expecting much.

We found a great sale at Lowe's and I picked up several split leaf philodendrons.  Joe dug out some Turk's cap to transplant and what a thick mess of roots.  Lesson learned about how invasive they can be and how thick and deep the roots go.  I also picked up an allamanda plant and a hummingbird bush.  It's the perfect time to transplant.

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