Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Veggie Update

Over the weekend I planted broccoli, cauliflower and spinach transfers.  I added another row of carrots and filled in the beets with seeds.  I made my first cutting of romaine lettuce.  Radish greens are just as good as the root bulbs.

Joe finished another raised bed.  It looks beautiful.

I'm continuing to water as needed with drip for 30 minutes.  Sometimes I wonder if it is too much.  I need to get a moisture tester to be sure.  I water when dry to my knuckle but I wonder about the depth of the drip.

The tomatoes are sick.  I'm pretty sure it's the virus carried by white flies.  The new growth is stunted, shriveled and yellowish in color.  Today Joe noticed a few white flies.  Some of the plants have fruit but not as much as expected.  David Rodriquez from Extension agrees with me.  My theory is that the virus was carried by white flies that thrive after heavy rains (which we have had in the last month) or carried over on the one cherry tomato plant I kept from spring.  Next fall I should plant either tygress or typhoon which are resistant to the virus.  Another good fall tomato is the Surefire.  Celebrity is still a good choice but maybe not for the fall.

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